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Farm vaccination and equine

Farm vaccination

Pneumonia vax in cattle


-       RSV

-       PI3

-       BVD

-       IBR

-       Corona


-       Manhaemia haemolytica

-       histophilus somni

-       mycoplasma spp

misc- parasitic husk


manheimia haemolytica (BRD)

-       fever

-       nasal discharge

-       depression

-       reduced appetite

-       increased RR and effort

-       coughing


bovine respiratory disease

-       decrease in first lactation milk production

-       increase in time to first calving

-       reduction in bodyweight

-       decreased growth

-       longer fattening period

bovela – BVD live vaccine

-       3 weeks before gestation

-       Revax 12m after primary

-       Vax before pregnancy


Corona virus


-       Can be given as young as 1-10d

-       3-6m duration


-       Older calves 1-3wks

-       6-12m duration


Intra-nasal vaccines

-       RSV ± PI3

-       IBR

-       Can be used in face of outbreak

-       Baby calves, brought in cattle

-       Youngest 1-10d

-       Shorter duration


Baby calves- RSV ± PI3 IN


Freshly bought in

-       RSV ± PI3 IN

-       IBR – IN


Sheep vaccines


-       M haemolytica

-       bibersteinia trehalose


sheep pneumonia vax

-       finding dead ewes- A clas vaccines

-       primary course 4-6 weeks ± boosters 12m

-       from 3wks of age

clostridial vaccines

-       MDA  4-6wks pre lambing

-       Protect dam- annually


Neonatal scour- prevention

-       Colostrum

-       Prevention

-       Vax of dam 3-12wks pre farrowing



-       At least 4 wks pre tupping

-       Over 5m of age

-       Outbreak- vax whole flock

-       Ongoing- just replacements


Salmonella- control

-       Isoalte brought in cattle

-       Isolate infected areas

-       Hygiene- calving areas

-       Vax- dam for colostral protection

-       In face of outbreak


-       Lower conception rates

-       Milk drop syndrome

-       Abortion

-       Retained foetal membranes

-       Weak calves

-       Faever

-       From 8m of age



-       Prevention/face of outbreak

-       Reduce CODD

-       Not used in lambs

-       Do not vaccinate within 6-8wks of shearing

Orf vaccines

-       Admin via skin scarification

-       Not used in flocks with no orf

-       Vaccianate pregnant ewes 7-8wks before lambing

-       Do not vaccinate ewes less than 7wks before lambing



-       Control= ID and removal of PI animals from herd


MDAs through colostrum from recovered/vaccinated dams last approx. 3-10m

-       Testing implications

-       Immunity

-       Vax


Pregnancy – 40-120d  PI


TI calves likely to dev certain diseases

-       D+

-       Immunosupression (pneumonia)

-       Reduced fertility

Mucosal disease

-       PI superinfected with cytopathic BVD

-       Sudden onset

-       Ulcers in mouth + muzzle

-       Profuse D+, shreds of gut mucosa + blood


PI calves

-       Source of infection

-       Antigen +Ve

-       Antibody -ve

-       Poor doers

-       Some normal

-       Often culled for poor performance

-       Can dev mucosal disease


BVD- controls stratergy



BVD testing

-       Youngstock screening

-       Milk testing

-       Tag and test

-       PI hunts

-       PM + swabs

Youngstock screens

-       Ab testing

-       Blood sample 5 calves 9-19m

-       In each separately managed group- air space

-       Avoids MDA

-       Make sure not vaccinated


Milk testing- bulk milk samples for BVD virus

-       Look for presence of PIs

-       Sen to 300 ows

-       Positive results – further investigatipns


PI hunt

-       Look for BVCDv calf + removing

-       Tag and test

-       Or pooled bloods

-       Testing calves = testing dam


Tag and test

-       All calves born in herd tested

-       Also test aborted fetus + still born

-       Tissue sample for antigen

-       -ve calf means dam not PI

-       + ve calf doesn’t mean dam definitely PI


Antigen +ve

-       Resample 3 weeks later

-       +ve again = PI

-       PI= antibody -ve

-       Cull asap



-       Closed herd

-       Bringing in- purchase from BVD accredited herds

-       If non-BVD accredited- blood test and isolate

-       Double perimeter fence


Vax all heifers and cows after screening

Cull all PI


Border disease- sheep

Can hamper BVDV control in cattle


Heifers and cows need vax before go to bull




Poor performance in equine athlete



-       Hands off

-       Hands on

-       Dynamic exam

Straight line- hard surface

Lunge on soft surface- trot, canter

Lunge on hard surface- trot, canter


Diagnostic anaesthesia

Common things common

Most forelimn lameness foot


Palmar digitcal NB- lameness localsied to foot


Foot radio

Foot balance- shoes on/off

-       Dorso palmar (DP)

-       Latero-medial (LM)

Upright views- DPrPaDiO

-       P3 and navicular views



Adavance imaging

-       MRI

-       CT


-       Foot imbalance

-       DDFT tear

-       Hoof crack


Corrective surgery

-       Improve balance

-       Raised heel wedges- DDFT injury

-       Stablise hoof crack

Controlled exercise rehab

Box rest

Walking exercise in hand



-       6 wk shoeing/trimming cycle

-       10-15 min walk before faster work


Back/SI pain

-       Not wanting to go forwards

-       Buckling under saddle

-       Stopping when jumping

Causes of back pain- primary

-       Impinging (overriding) DSP- kissing spine

-       OA of articular process joints

-       Spondylosis of verterbral bodies


-       Muscle pain associated with hindlimb lameness

-       Incorrect saddle fit

-       Heavy or unbalanced rider


Problem list and ddx


-       Oa

-       Soft tissue (ligament injury)


-       Pain associated with hindlimb lameness





Diagnostic analgesia

local infiltration

-       DSP

-       Sacroiliac joint


-       Articular process joints



medication- short term

-       Corticosteroids- methylprednisolone acetate, triamcinolone acetonide

Long term- physio


Surgery- after failed med tx


Rehab exercises- increased strength multifudus muscle



GI disorders

Problem list + ddx


-       EMS

Gastric ulcers?

Back pain

Poor fitting saddle/tack


Not going forwards under sadly

-       Pain



-       Gastroscopy

Squamous ulceration tx

-       Omeprazole

-       Sucralfate

Glandular ulceration- misopronstol





-       Ad lib access to forage

-       Limit conc feeding

-       Handful of hay/chaff before riding

-       Corn oil



-       Daily horse-horse contact

-       Limit stress

-       Avoid long term NSAID use

-       Avoid intense exercise during ulcer tx




Problem list + ddx



-       Upper airway collapse

-       Lower airway

-       Mild equine asthma

-       Exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage


-       Exercising arrhytmia


-       Extertional myopathy



-       Resting endoscopy

-       Treadmill scope

-       Dynamic endoscopy

-       Tracheal wash- 20ml sterile saline

-       BAL



Resp tx

-       Furosemide

-       Raceday tx- Americas, Saudi

Nasal strip- flair


Ongoing monitoring

-       Post exercise tracheal endoscopy



Problem list and ddx

Irregularly irregular heart rhythm

-       Atrial fibrillation

-       Av block


Systolic heart murmurs



-       Auscultation

-       ECG

-       Echo



Medical- oral quinidine sulphate

Surgical – TVEC



-       Ongoing monitoring

-       Heart rthym at rest/post exercise

-       Palpation

-       Ausculatation

Vet exam every 6m




Problem list and ddx

Muscle disorders

-       Over exertion

-       RER

-       PSSM



-       AST, CK

-       Rest

-       Post exercise (4-6hrs)


Urine sample

Muscle biopsy- gluteal/semi-membranous


Genetic testing

-       Hair pluck

-       Blood sample



-       Significant elevation in CK + AST

-       Levels post exercise



Acute episode


-       Phenylbutazone

-       Flunixin

-       Fluids


Chronic management

-       Dantrolene

-       Orally  few hours before exercise



-       Regular exercise programme

-       Gradual changes

-       Daily pasture turnout


-       Low carb, high fat

-       Balanced nutrients

-       Avoid stress


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